Inside DLite: low-code components, model-driven tools, local-first and eco-design explained

DLite is an Open Source Low-Code platform that is designed to help building web front-ends. It is based on Web standards, such as the Vue.js reactive framework, and Bootstrap, the popular UI kit for responsive web design. In short, the core of DLite is a wrapper around BootstrapVue, including basic low-code components such as inputs, and more advanced components such as tables. Also, DLite comes with additional low-code components such as graphs (a chart.js wrapper), and many layout components such as containers, splitters (a split.js wrapper), tabs, and many others.

DLite’s comes with the following Open Source key elements:

  • Many low-code components to build UIs fast;
  • Model-driven tools, such as a model editor (which can create models inferred from a JSON structure), and builders, which can automatically create full forms and CRUD editors out of a model;
  • A local-first API and service (including an Open Source server for a sync service);
  • A builtin probe to measure consumed resources (in order to help with responsible software development and eco-design).

In this post, I will explain how these 4 key elements work. The source code for all these is available here.

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MC2: a tool to remotely monitor computer resources

For more than a year now, EASYTEAM and Cinchéo have been working on a project that aims at creating new methods and tools to help IT departments to control the carbon footprint linked to digital services. It is a vast and complicated topic and a lot needs to be achieved. With MC2 (say M-C-square), we are contributing a small and modest part to the tooling ecosystem.

In this post, I will explain the principles of MC2 and how it works. The source code is fully available on Github:

NOTE: MC2 it is still work in progress and is a small part of a wider R&D project involving EASYTEAM (Constellation group) and INRIA (Spirals team).

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