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Développement Local-First

Le 8ème Principe “oublié” du “Local First”

Posted on October 10, 2023 by Renaud Pawlak

Le mouvement du “Local First” a émergé des États-Unis avec une vision innovante pour le développement web, en particulier pour les Progressive Web Apps (PWA). Cette approche consiste à développer les applications en utilisant d’abord les données localement et en les partageant aux autres utilisateurs via des mécanismes et protocoles de synchronisation. Elle repose sur 7 (sept) principes fondamentaux qui visent à transformer la manière dont nous concevons et utilisons les applications en ligne. Voici ces 7 principes, tels qu’énoncés par les chercheurs de Ink and Switch dans leur publication fondatrice (*).


Inside DLite: low-code components, model-driven tools, local-first and eco-design explained

Posted on April 16, 2022 by Renaud Pawlak

DLite is an Open Source Low-Code platform that is designed to help building web front-ends. It is based on Web standards, such as the Vue.js reactive framework, and Bootstrap, the popular UI kit for responsive web design. In short, the core of DLite is a wrapper around BootstrapVue, including basic low-code components such as inputs, and more advanced components such as tables. Also, DLite comes with additional low-code components such as graphs (a chart.js wrapper), and many layout components such as containers, splitters (a split.js wrapper), tabs, and many others. DLite’s comes with the following Open Source key elements: Many


When Low Code meets Local-First Software

Posted on October 3, 2021 by Renaud Pawlak

In this post, I explain the dLite low-code platform approach to build frontend applications. dLite relies on a new paradigm called the Local-First Software paradigm. With this paradigm, one can build applications using local data, which remains the ownership of the user. A generic synchronisation protocol is used to access the data cross-device, and a sharing protocol is used to share data among users and build collaborative applications. I explain that the Local-First paradigm is particularly well-fitted to low-code, since it removes the need of a specific backend and database for each application. Additionally, security and data privacy comes by