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JSweet transpiles Sweet Home 3D open source project to help creating a web version

Posted on July 24, 2020 by Renaud Pawlak

A real-life example of migrating a Java application to JavaScript. In this post, I will explain how JSweet helps building the online JavaScript Web version of an Open-Source interior design application called Sweet Home 3D developed and maintained by Emmanuel Puybaret. Sweet Home 3D represents 130K Java Lines of Code (LoC). Amongst these, Emmanuel and I are able to transpile automatically around 50K LoC, leading to 68K JavaScript-generated LoC (by automatic transpilation, I mean that the generated JavaScript code can be run in the browser as is, without any manual adaptation of the code).


JSweet version 2.0.0 has been released

Posted on September 1, 2017 by Renaud Pawlak

We are pleased to announce that JSweet 2 is now available. JSweet 2 is the outcome of several months of intense work with several partners that have been using JSweet for different purposes. It brings to you major improvements in the way you can transpile your Java code to JavaScript. Here are the main changes: More interoperability with JavaScript. By default the generated code gets rid of Java APIs and uses pure JavaScript objects (for instance Java lists and maps will translate to pure JavaScript arrays/objects). No Java runtime is required anymore (on contrary to other Java to JavaScript transpilers)


JSweet version 1.2.0 has been released

Posted on December 16, 2016 by Renaud Pawlak

We are pleased to announce stable release 1.2.0. This release contains many bug fixes and new features. It takes into account our last-months experience developing real IONIC/Cordova applications with JSweet, but also many excellent feedback from the community (many thanks to the reporters!). Also, it is compatible with Angular 2. Check the release notes.


Get started with React.js in Java

Posted on April 22, 2016 by Renaud Pawlak

This is quite serious! The famous JavaScript framework React.js is now available to Java as a JSweet candy. Of course there are still details to be tuned, and the JSX syntax is not supported (yet?), but there is enough there to start having fun with React.js in Java. I will step through some examples to give you the basics on how to program a React.js application in Java.


JSweet v1.0 is out: 10 reasons to use it

Posted on February 2, 2016 by Renaud Pawlak

JSweet version 1.0 was released today. JSweet is a Java to JavaScript transpiler built on the top of TypeScript and it gives access to hundreds of up-to-date and well-typed JavaScript APIs from Java. The following figure shows how JSweet translates from the TSD repository and uses the TypeScript tsc compiler and APIs (d.ts) to transpile Java into JavaScript. With the release of version 1.0, I would like to explore the main reasons why you, as a programmer, would want to try JSweet out, and ultimately use it to program Web applications in a better and safer way. Reason 1: Type Safety and